No. 24 (2018): Block letters: printers and booksellers in the 18th and 19th centuries
Presentación. En letras de molde. Impresores y libreros en los siglos XVIII y XIX
Monographic section
From manual to mechanical printing: first attempts of change in Spain
Don Tomás Albán, printer in Madrid at the beginning of the nineteenth century
Liberty and imprisonment, or the sad fate of the liberal printer Miguel Domingo at the beginning of the 19th century
Mariano Cabrerizo: literary initiatives and liberal energy in the time of Fernando VII
The Garriga and Aguasvivas (or Aguasvivas and Garriga), Barcelona printers (1801-1857)
An «editor infatigable»: Ignacio Boix's biographical, editorial and investing trajectory
The Print and Boolshop of Mayol's widow & sons and their theatre masterpieces
The role of the printer in the journalism of the reign of Isabel II and previous regences (1833-1868)
About the book manufacturing in Madrid
The debate on printing in the republic of letters. Tributes, quarrels, and scholars projects to reform printing press in eighteenth-century Spain
Ideology and printing in jesuitism expulso: Biasini versus Bodoni
A comparative approach to the popular press in 18th-century Spain an England: Agustín Laborda and Cluer Dicey
Silk stamped thesis sheets in convent of Santa Cruz in Vitoria
The Orcel bookshop: an european establishment in18th-century Madrid
A country more foreign than Chine: Spanish books in the Parisian bookshops ot the 18th century
Structures of the press in Cadiz during the Cortes: methodological approaches
Southern signs. Andalusian authors and printers in the Spanish chapbooks
The last editor of a newspaper: its “amo”. The annotated reading of the Gazetilla curiosa o semanero granadino (1764-1765) by D. Pedro Pascual Sahagún y Cuesta
The distribution of the Andalusian press in Spain under the reign of Charles IV
The education of the citizen in the Enlightened context
Murillo in the Spanish Enlightenment Literature
From honor to honorability: a study of the change in social values in Spain, 18th-19th centuries
Pictures of a heterogeneous revolution. Tensions between text and image in The marriage of heaven and hell of William Blake
Luxury and fashion as identity signs in the press of the viceregal Buenos Aires (1801-1807)
"La era de 1812"
Fernández Sardino and María del Carmen Silva: journalism and exaltation
José María de Torrijos and the theorization of the romantic politician through Napoleon Bonaparte
Beatriz Manrique de Lara Alberro, Marchionees of García del Postigo, author of La Pensadora Gaditana under pseudonym "Beatriz Cienfuegos"
Between the sainete and the printing press: Ana Benítez; widow of González del Castillo, widow of Comes
Book reviews
Eva María Flores Ruiz (ed.), «Casinos, tabernas, burdeles: ámbitos de sociabilidad en torno a la Ilustración»
Gloria Franco Rubio, Natalia González Heras and Elena de Lorenzo Álvarez (coords.), «España y el continente americano en el siglo XVIII (Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Estudios del Siglo XVIII)»
Elena de Lorenzo Álvarez (coord.), «Ser autor en la España del siglo XVIII»,
Robert Fajen and Andreas Gelz (eds.), «Ocio y ociosidad en el siglo XVIII español e italiano / Ozio e oziosità nel Settecento italiano e spagnolo»
Nicolás González Martínez, «Cuando hay falta de hechiceros lo quieren ser los gallegos, y Asombro de Salamanca. La crueldad sin venganza». Edition by Ana Contreras Elvira
Martin Murphy, «The Duchess of Rio Tinto. The Story of Mary Herbert and Joseph Gage»
Joaquín Álvarez Barrientos, «Cultura y ciudad. Madrid, del incendio a la maqueta (1701-1833)»
José Nicolás de Azara, «Las Obras de Garcilaso de la Vega, ilustradas con notas». Edition by Ana Isabel Martín Puya
Nigel Glendinning, «Goya y sus críticos». Edition by Jesusa Vega; studies of Valeriano Bozal and Sarah Symmons
Yves Bonnefoy, «Goya. Las pinturas negras»
Francisco Lafarga, Carole Fillière, María Jesús García Garrosa and Juan Jesús Zaro, «Pensar la traducción en la España del siglo XIX»
Ángel-Luis Pujante and Keith Gregor (eds.), «Romeo y Julieta en España: las versiones neoclásicas»
Fernando Blanco White, «A Spanish Prisoner in the Ruins of Napoleon’s Empire. The diary of Fernando Blanco White’s Flight to Freedom». Ed. & intr. by Christopher Schmidt-Nowara (†); preface by Beatrice Forbes Manz and Matthew Ehrlich
Alberto Romero Ferrer and David Loyola López (eds.), «Las musas errantes. Cultura literaria y exilio en la España de la primera mitad del siglo XIX»